on 5/1/2024

Canoë-Kayak Club de Pont-Réan

Base Nautique, La Cale Pont-Réan - 35580 PONT REAN
from €9.00
  • 20230501_150123
  • IMG_2568
  • Navigation dans la vallée du Boël
  • velo nautik libre de droit
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  • FFCK_Icon-Discipline-Handi 2
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  • Navigation paisible dans la vallée du Boël entourée de ses falaises de schiste rouge
  • IMG_3101
  • Une balade en famille
  • IMG_9536
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  • Vue aérienne du site de navigation à Pont-Réan
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  • paddle-geant-pont-rean
  • IMG_2538
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Special offer: just for you on the same dates!
To accommodate 2 people, you must spread them across several of our available offers.

Balades Découverte


1h Balade Découverte

Duration : 1h

Durée 1h. 

Plusieurs options s'offrent à vous.

Si vous vous sentez une âme d'aventurier, vous avez la possibilité de remonter la Vilaine pour faire le tour de l'île sauvage puis de finir par la glissière avec notre circuit Tour de l'île sauvage (voir le détail).

Vous pouvez aussi découvrir la minoterie de Pont-Réan, son bief avec ses nénuphars, un bras de rivière très sauvage et finir par la glissière avec notre circuit La minoterie et son bief (voir le détail).

Included : La mise à disposition de l'embarcation (canoë, kayak, paddle), la pagaie et le gilet de sécurité. L'assurance "licence FFCK 1 jour" de la fédération française de canoë-kayak.

2h Balade Découverte

Duration : 2h

Durée 2 heures. 

Plusieurs options s'offrent à vous.

Si vous vous sentez une âme d'aventurier, vous avez la possibilité de remonter la Vilaine pour faire le tour de l'île sauvage, vous engager dans un bras de rivière où avec un peu d'imagination vous découvrirez la mangrove, puis dans le bief de la minoterie avant de finir par la glissière avec notre circuit Vilaine sauvage (voir le détail).

Vous pouvez aussi découvrir l'embouchure de la Seiche, la remonter un peu, puis redescendre jusqu'au Boël pour y admirer ses falaises et son moulin avec notre circuit L'embouchure de la Seiche (voir le détail).

Vous pouvez aussi faire un aller/retour jusqu'au Boël et admirer ses falaises et son moulin avec notre circuit Randonnée nautique au Boël (voir le détail).

Included : La mise à disposition de l'embarcation (canoë, kayak, paddle), la pagaie et le gilet de sécurité. L'assurance "licence FFCK 1 jour" de la fédération française de canoë-kayak.

1/2 Journée Balade Découverte

Duration : 4h

Durée 3 à 4 heures. (retour impératif à 17h30 en mai-juin-sept et 18h30 en juillet-août)

Plusieurs options s'offrent à vous. Vous pouvez partir en exploration à partir de notre base nautique située à Pont-Réan vers Rennes ou vers Bourg des Comptes et tout simplement profiter à votre rythme en mode chill.

Nous proposons aussi le circuit Échappée sur la Seiche en boucle fermée au départ de la base nautique située à Pont-Réan.


Circuit Échappée sur la Seiche

Situation : en aval de la base nautique de Pont-Réan, à gauche avant le viaduc

Durée : 4 heures

Distance : 13 km (ce circuit peut être raccourci en faisant demi-tour au premier ou au deuxième pont sur la Seiche)

Embarcations recommandées : canoës 2 places (C2), 3 places (C3) ou 4 places (C4), kayak 1 place (K1)

Niveau de difficulté : débutant

Condition physique : aucune

Voir le détail (pdf)

Aperçu de votre randonnée nautique :

  1. À proximité de Rennes, se ressourcer en pleine nature et déconnecter du quotidien
  2. Immersion dans un milieu naturel et observation de la faune et de la flore locales
  3. Passer une demi-journée en canoë ou en kayak dans un espace naturel pittoresque. Parcourir la Vilaine et découvrir la Seiche, un de ses affluents et sa végétation luxuriante
  4. Découvrir des monuments historiques, le pont de Pont-Réan, le moulin du Boël, le menhir du Pré de la Pierre
  5. Découvrir la vallée du Boël, son méandre et ses falaises de schiste rouge



Included : La mise à disposition de l'embarcation (canoë, kayak, paddle), la pagaie et le gilet de sécurité. L'assurance "licence FFCK 1 jour" de la fédération française de canoë-kayak.

Offer a gift voucher

Gift voucher EUR

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Choose an amount, pay then send your gift voucher to whom you want. It is very simple !

You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift voucher as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

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Offer as a gift

Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid Until 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card


Gift card valid From 1 may 2024 to 29 sep 2024

How does it work ? Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.

Gift card

Canoë-Kayak Club de Pont-Réan

Base Nautique, La Cale Pont-Réan - 35580 PONT REAN
Navigation dans la vallée du Boël
velo nautik libre de droit
FFCK_Icon-Discipline-Handi 2
Navigation paisible dans la vallée du Boël entourée de ses falaises de schiste rouge
Une balade en famille
Vue aérienne du site de navigation à Pont-Réan

By canoe, kayak, paddle, water bike, as you wish, come and feel the docility of the Vilaine and the tranquility of the Cuttlefish. Departure from the bridge for a walk towards Le Boël, a remarkable heritage site, with its boat-shaped mill and its lock, witness to shipping from another era.

Carried by the current you can stroll and admire the dragonflies, the water lilies and the kingfishers. A short detour via the Cuttlefish offers you a setting worthy of Monet's water lilies.

Shortly before the Böel the landscape changes, the high cliffs of red schist surround the river. It is the harmony between nature and heritage: the rock was used in the construction of local buildings.


  • Access for disabled
  • Pets allowed
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