Plomeur - La TorchePlomeur - La Torche
©Plomeur - La Torche|Yannick Schutz

Road trip itineraries

Do you want to discover Brittany, but don’t know where to begin? Let yourself be guided! To the south, to the north, from top to bottom, for four to seven days, here are four energetic suggestions for a road trip at your pace. Why hurry? Don’t forget to take time to enjoy your journey, with a coffee by a harbour and a ray of sunshine. What more could you want?

Routes on the GR® 34

Discover the Breton coastline in a punchy and varied way: that’s the idea behind our tours along the GR®34, with hikes punctuated by swimming, diving and kayak or catamaran trips… An ideal flavour of adventure for the fine weather!

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Official website of tourism in Brittany