Walking signs
The Grande Randonnée (GR®) routes are marked by a white and red rectangle on top of each other. The GR® are mainly linear routes connecting one place to another.
- The GR de Pays ® (GRP®) paths, which promote an area through its culture, its heritage or its economy, are marked with yellow and red lines.
- The PR (Promenade & Randonnée), marked by a rectangle, preferably yellow, propose routes of less than one day’s walking and link an entire area.
On the way, the routes are marked with paint on rocks, trees, walls and posts. Their frequency varies depending on the land.
The routes known as GR® and GRP®, marked respectively in white-red and yellow-red lines, are created by the FFRandonnée – French Federation of Hiking. They are protected under intellectual property rights. © Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre. Authorisation 2014-2016.