template custom Itineraire GR34 – Lorient – From Larmor-Plage to Lanester | Brittany tourism

From Larmor-Plage to Lanester

Starting point: Port Maria, Larmor-Plage 
Arrival: Auberge du Chemin de Fer, Lanester 

The seaside resort of Larmor-Plage, with its seafront promenade and villas from the 1900s, oozes charm! As you walk alongside Toulhars cove, enjoy the stunning view of the Port-Louis citadel and the Lorient roadstead. After Kermélo bridge, you’ll reach Lorient-La Base. With its bar and restaurant terraces, its shops and even a concert hall in a former bunker, it’s the new trendy neighbourhood. Here you are at the heart of the Offshore Racing Centre! Do you want to take time to stroll around the “town with 6 ports”? Then you can stop here (stage shortened to 7 km). Otherwise, go over the River Scorff on Pont des Indes bridge. Lanester is just on the other side.

Hoist the sails! 

Put on a life jacket and step into the shoes of an offshore racing skipper. From the jetties of Lorient-La base, embark on a monohull for a sailing trip around the Lorient roadstead. It’s a must after visiting the Cité de la Voile Eric-Tabarly.

   Intermediate level

15 km – Around 4 hours of walking


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