One of the world’s most beautiful bays
Around the famous Île aux Moines and the Île d’Arz, which you can easily reach by ferry from Vannes and Port Blanc, there are about 40 islets scattered across the sea: Boëdic, Logoden, Irus, Ilur, La Jument, Gavrinis, Radenec etc. The Gulf of Morbihan covers about 40 square kilometres between Vannes and Auray to the north, and Arzon and Sarzeau to the south. There are new sights, sounds and smells around every corner, and on every headland where the granite rocks jut into the waves. This is a paradise of changing light for photographers: nowhere else will you find such rich and varied blues and greens. From the bird reserve of Séné Marshes to the Rhuys Peninsula, from the bends in the River Auray to the ocean access at Port Navalo, from the Gavrinis megalith to the Passage de la Jument – site of one of the most powerful tidal bores in Europe – you’ll really fall for the charms of this region. You can explore oyster farms and a multitude of little ports and anchorages where the little local sailing boats, called Simnagots and Guépards, are bobbing at anchor. From Conleau to Arradon, from Kerners Point to Bernon Point, from Port Navalo to Locmariaquer, every landscape is unforgettable.