Quai des Bulles FestivalSaint-Malo - 25th to 27th October 2024

Quai des Bulles Festival

Saint-Malo - 25th to 27th October 2024

This is certainly a date that has been circled in Brittany’s calendar of cultural events. The last weekend in October is when some 400 comic strip artists get together at the Quai des Bulles Festival in Saint-Malo.

Planet Cartoon

Deep in the heart of Armorica there is a village where a group of invincible Breton cartoon artists are holding out. Right from the start, Jean-Claude Fournier, Alain Goutal, Joub, Nicoby and their partners have been grimly hanging on to a festival that was once a part of the Étonnants Voyageurs Festival. Class dunces can sit at the back and doodle on their desks, dreaming of the day they’ll win the Dunce’s Cap prize for their career as a cartoonist. This is one of the three accolades awarded during the Quai des Bulles, alongside the Petit Robert, given to the best scriptwriter and the Ballon Rouge for the most promising young author. There will be some 100 stands and four times as many cartoonists at this unmissable event: the Angoulême comic strip festival in the Charente region has got some serious competition.

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