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©2024 1011 Bretagne Morbihan Belz Earth 0o1a5684 Rle 2

Astrobreizh 2025

Ready for Brittany?

What’s your 2025 going to be like? Ahaaah! We’ve sifted through your personality traits, and it’s given us plenty of ideas on what the future holds. It’s crazy, but they all include Brittany! The best of our predictions, just for you, supplemented with a touch of mockery.

Go straight for relaxation

Bold adventurers, nothing scares you. Thrills, new experiences, that’s your thing, you Arians. It’s sometimes hard to keep up with you and your amazing energy… You like cool outdoor activities so these trail ideas are made for you!

And in 2025?

You keep your smile and your dynamism. The stars announce new (dis)connections. No more constraints. As regards fitness, it’s all about return to the self, meditation and yoga. That’s great news: in the countryside, on an island or in a light well, you’ll find the perfect rejuvenating break here…

2025, an arty year

You certainly know what you want, you hedonistic Taureans! Gastronomy. Art. Dolce far niente. Tasting life’s pleasures. Filling up on good things. Trying out great little restaurants. So how about treating yourself to a gourmet tour of Pays de Saint-Malo?

And in 2025?

Pluto in Aquarius is positive: the year will be great, marked by good luck – you’re the best-off sign in the galaxy! Creative energy takes hold of you and you’re someone who sees poetry in simple things. Try the arty, pop getaway in Rennes, make your way there and enjoy art and beauty under the Breton sky: Did you know that the region is an open-air gallery  and an unparalleled haven of street art?

The unexpected’s in the air

Geminians simply have to keep moving. Stay curious, in motion, that’s your creed. New horizons, light spirit… and humour, always! As regards new horizons, Brittany is a mine of inspiration. We can see you from here, on its endless shores, tapping into the unexpected to admire and explore the most beautiful trails.

And in 2025?

You let go. You let yourself be surprised by life, which is dotted with joyful twists and turns. From May to December, you surf on the planetary currents in order to spice up your everyday life. And off you go on a getaway in May, with these great May bank holidays in the countryside! A choice of perfect festivals awaits you for a fine-weather spree!

Get out of your shell!

Sand. A beach. A wild cove. Quick, it’s off to the seaside for Cancerians! What they’re looking for is authentic pleasures. Being with their families. So holidays in Brittany, land of magical memories, are the perfect choice. They live their best life at a spa with their kids and Zen and fun with their families – the secret of wellbeing.

And in 2025?

The little crab goes off the beaten track. It needs a spot where it’s never set claw. Bingo! It’s a big enough region. In search of time and emotions, a nature jaunt in Brittany in the depths of winter certainly shouldn’t be ruled out. Enriching encounters, family fulfilment… there you are then, good omens!

What talent…

Blown away, nourishing the indomitable lion’s strength and energy… Something really out-of-the-ordinary ! You love chilling in a dream setting. So it’s a sure bet that being aboard a catamaran off the Crozon peninsula won’t leave you indifferent. And the same goes for all the dream panoramas alongside the sea and the ocean.

And in 2025?

A year under the sign of passion. It radiates as you go in search of new friends, eager to broaden your horizons. Varied musical styles, street food, brunch, guinguettes: our delicious Breton festivals should allay your hunger for discovery!

Holidays, I forget (almost) everything

Planning. Managing. Right down to the nearest millimetre. Virgos stay organised even when they’re on holiday, always coming up with good ideas on how to spend a few days, well-marked itineraries out in the salty sea air… They prefer mild, hilly green settings. Can you see us coming? We embrace you, dear Virgo!

And in 2025?

You spend less time thinking things over. You control things less. You take the best of whatever comes more light-heartedly. Smile: we’ve got the right spots and the springtime mood for your reset. In June, pleasures galore and reinvigorating getaways to plan for – Mercury is on the case. So come and enjoy an open-air bath facing the sea!

Moments in balance

Let’s be Zen! Libras recharge their batteries by taking serene breaks (I know what I’m talking about). They prioritise their wellbeing and contact with nature. Returning to the self, as well as making discoveries. In short, full journeys… so as not to forego anything. A Zen break in La Gacilly? Total satisfaction!

And in 2025?

Change is in the air. New challenges. Libras in search of harmony free their emotions: Mercury encourages them to explore new avenues, pep up their lives. It’s the much awaited time to get away from it all with 7 out-of-the-ordinary ideas and one of these 4 weekends off the beaten track!

Heart in a cocoon

Emotion, action… Scorpio! A spot of adventure, a dash of the unexpected: the ideal holiday combination for this sign. Breathtaking scenery, great hiking trails, canoe trips… So tell me, wouldn’t you be the perfect candidate for these 5 micro-adventures?

And in 2025?

Pluto is back in your sky and bam! A profound (and beneficial) personal change is on the way. Inner happiness to cultivate. As a couple, lots of bonding… it looks as if a lovers’ getaway is on the cards in one of these 5 dream cabins.

XXL positive energy

Wide open spaces for our Sagittarian traveller. An epic adventure for this beating heart with an adventurer’s soul. Yearning for faraway places? Great, we’ll take you alongside our waterways to the ends of the earth… in the saddle as far as the ocean ! Cycling rules and these gravel routes will give you wings.

And in 2025?

The stars’ weather forecast: a sunny winter and joy on top of it all. Positive energy in all weathers. You get together with your friends, organise outings… What a great life! And at the same time, you refocus on the essentials. So as you want to welcome the people you cherish soon, take a tour of these XXL villas.

Vibration and reconnection cocktail

Optimist and daredevil. A variety of unique experiences, preferably in contact with nature, is required to win you Capricorns over. Long hikes, accommodation near lakes or in the depths of forests… As you like keeping people happy, you prefer holidaying with your family. You’ll be on top of the world near Lake Guerlédan or “honeymooning” in the heart of the Breton green lung !

And in 2025?

An intense year coming up. Jupiter gives your social and love life a boost in June. Some great encounters brighten up your daily life and your friends take pride of place. Sail to Crozon on a catamaran, enjoy an awesome experience: that’s what our Breton Experiences and trending water activities are there for !

A breath of invigorating energy

Take a look at that slightly rebellious side. That sharp mind… We love them, our Aquarian fans of unique experiences, new landscapes and other wide open spaces. Have fun in the Regional Nature Parks. Your favourite pastime: breathing in the fresh air. Degemer mat (Welcome) to Brittany!

And in 2025?

You’re with Taurus, 2025’s luckiest sign. Pluto serves you up happiness on a plate: you’re at the right tempo to start on your transformation. Meditation, relaxation, refocusing on your inner rhythms, your loved ones, the family. And how about taking them to one of these 6 great accommodation choices during your next time off, without necessarily waiting for summer?

Aspirations, inspirations

Water? Your favourite element, little Pisceans! You need it, right there, nearby, in your getaways. No specific itinerary, plenty of freedom. Wherever you are in Brittany, you can take it easy without ever getting bored. And when you feel like a bite to eat, try our selection of seafront restaurants!

And in 2025?

A new departure on the cards. From June to December, the stars encourage you to step up your projects. There you are at peace with yourself. Your creativity’s been given a boost Thank you Neptune !
You might well be offered a special Breton bowl DIY ceramic workshop… and you’re going to succumb! mber !

Official website of tourism in Brittany